Mr. D.V. Abeysinghe the Senior General Manager / Chief Operating Officer with an outstanding career of nearly 31 years at CDPLC will assume duties as the new Managing Director/CEO with immediate effect. Mr Abeysinghe graduated from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in the field of Mechanical Engineering in 1985. Holding a B Sc Engineering (Hons) degree, initially he joined Colombo Dockyard Ltd. (CDL) in 1985 as a Trainee Engineer to the Marine Division. During his tenure as a Ship Repair Engineer, he is also qualified with Nondestructive Testing Examination on Ultrasonic level III from Indonesia in 1990. In 1991, he successfully completed an 11 month JICA training on Shipbuilding, Repairing and Maintenance including Naval Architecture at the Overseas Shipbuilding Cooperation Centre, Japan and returned to the Shipbuilding Division in CDL as the Designs Engineer (Hull). Mr. Abeysinghe is a Charted Mechanical Engineer of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka since 2002 and a Fellow of Royal Institution of Naval Architectures, UK from 2015. He is also a member of the Institute of Certified Professional Managers, Sri Lanka since 2008.
In the meantime, Mr. Ranil Wijegunawardane will take over the responsibility as the new Managing Director / CEO of Dockyard General Engineering Services (Pvt) Ltd., to give leadership to this heavy engineering subsidiary of Colombo Dockyard, with focus on expanding operations locally and in to regional markets.
The transition comes at a crucial point in the Company’s journey, where the maritime markets are facing one of the toughest recessions globally.